GoHack 2023

GoHack 2023

January 19-20, 2023

Congratulations to our winners!

We had 61 projects submitted; of those, 32 were brought to life over the course of the 2 hack days. After the 1st round, 10 projects made it to the finals, and with an incredible twist of fate, 6 hacks won awards!

All hacks were critiqued across 5 categories. Below are the categories the judges were scoring while they observed presentations.

  • Business Value
  • Technology, Design & Innovation
  • Customer love / Obsess over CX
  • Presentation & Completion
  • Learning

The winners in each category were:

  1. Greatest potential business impact
    • Chat2Order
    • Team BoozeBox
  2. Most novel use of technology
    • ChatBot (ChatGPT)
  3. Most customer-focus friendly
    • GoAssist
  4. The "Just ship it" award
    • Checkout Minigame
  5. People's choice
    • Surprise Me!

Honorable Mentions:

  1. goAlexa: Alexa, what is the status of my order?
  2. Review Crew: Item rating and reviewing
  3. Group Ordering: Shop with friends
  4. Roadrunners: Magical password-free login experience for frontline employees
  5. GoDark: Dark mode on consumer apps and web